To awaken the enlightened
Uncertain about this work?
Pray for the Truth
A few months after the experience of receiving this divine guidance began, Sandra B., my dear cousin from Chicago, visited me in Los Angeles. Raised Catholic, Sandra was quite concerned and uncomfortable with the idea of some unseen being speaking through me. So, after some discussion and because of her love for me, she agreed to allow me to share this new experience with her. The beloved Beings of The Christ Light offered her guidance that most people might find insightful. Although they addressed her religious experience as a Catholic, the guidance is applicable to anyone of any faith.
Because of this experience, she was concerned for me and feared what others would say and how they might treat me. She was hesitant to return to Chicago, fearing that I would be persecuted by those who would think this experience blasphemous. The beloved Beings of The Christ Light asked her a question that set the tone for her understanding of this work. They asked:
Have you experienced anything ungodly?
"No," she answered. "But still..."
You are right to be concerned, beloved daughter. But please don’t fear. If you are concerned then do your own prayer work and ask others to pray. Send it all to Jesus, The Christ – the Jesus Christ you know from the Catholic Church – as we are all one in The Christ. We are here as the agents of The Christ. Daughter, we are here to do the work. And, so it is Amen. She is protected.
After continuing to express her concerns for me, the Beings of The Christ Light later went on to further encourage her.
Sandra, you must test this through your own prayer work. Ask for the truth to be revealed. We want you to understand fully that this is the work of The Christ. So, pray, pray, pray. Do your own prayer work. Believe that God will reveal the truth. Believe the God you know now and you’ll be blessed with understanding. You’ll see it.… We are not afraid of being exposed.
Pray for the truth.