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I would like to share my experiences of sitting with the Beings of The Christ Light during Sister Mpingo's stay in NYC in the Spring of 2016.


I was introduced to the term "Beings of the Christ Light" by one of my spiritual sisters in NY. I trust her deeply and decided to do a little research online before actually attending a scheduled upcoming "Session" in my area. I felt very comfortable and at ease browsing through Sister Mpingo's website and later Facebook page (God is Light) and felt a very strong connection to the essence that I felt.


Upon meeting Sister Mpingo, at my first session we embraced heart to heart and she jolted as if an electric current had ran through her. She stepped back, looked at me and said, "Okay." I sensed a very strong familiarity to her and anxiously awaited the "session" to begin.


In brief, of the three sessions that I attended while Sister Mpingo was in NY, I experienced an extremely deep connection to the Beings. I felt very comfortable and open to their energy. The messages that the Beings shared with me were very profound and non invasive. I was reawakened on many levels and fine-tuned on other levels. Meaning, The Beings confirmed that the works that I have made my life's mission to uplift our youth is vital and should never be abandoned. The beings thanked me for my commitment towards uplifting the youth and encouraged the entire group to maintain a focus on uplifting the youth.


In closing I'd like to share that the Beings of the Christ Light are very precise if allowed to freely see the person. I believe that the more open an individual is during a session their experience will be heightened and there is great opportunity to shift from one's current situation to a more heightened level of self awareness and spiritual transformation.


They are not readers, however, what you allow them to see will be shown back to you. Those who are willing to make a shift will be in a free flowing space to do so comfortably.


I am grateful.


Aku Badu

Mt. Vernon, NY




Aku Badu's

Full Testimony

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